[gedit-list] customize script highlighting by file extensions

Hi All -

I use gedit on fbsd7 with KDE.  I am used to using GNOME on Ubuntu, but have to use fbsd and KDE at work.

I find that gedit does not automatically recognize certain file extensions for highlight mode.  In particular it does not know that *.r should be highlighted as an R script.  I would like to fix this, as well as add my own file extensions for shell scripts, and not be limited to *.sh.  Furthermore, I have found that the shell scripting highlight mode recognizes bash syntax but not tsch.  Can this be customized?

I am sick of using the drop down menu and selecting a highlight mode every time I open a new file.  I've seen talk in forums about editing gtksourceview but will that help me in KDE?

Could you please explain what to do carefully and on a step by step basis?  I am very stupid.



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