-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Am 07.02.2011 18:21, schrieb Nacho:
all related to the gedit python module is private and it
cannot be imported
by an external program you can only use gedit for this.
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 6:17 PM, dennis
<dennis605 web de>
hi community,
im trying to debug a gedit-plugin.
When i try to import gedit, i get an error, that this module
could not
been found.
Is there any posibility to run such a plugin, in an other
IDE than
gedit, and if it is, how to manage this issue?
Thanx for your answers
gedit-list mailing list
gedit-list gnome org
But is there any posibility, to walk through code in gedit?
Not in command output or something similar, but in the main windows
of gedit