Re: [gedit-list] GtkSourceCompletion

perriman wrote:
Thanks Paolo for the response,

	I'm thinking in change the library to support multiple editors and we
could use it in anjuta for GTV/GSV/scintilla or another widget we want.
I will add the integration changes in the library but in a "editor
independent" way. Ideas/suggestions are welcome.
I have been working on the next revision including the latest concepts and I think we are getting close. You can find the work on ''.

With regard on a separate library, it would be somewhat counter productive to keep two separate versions of essentially the same thing (if there are any API differences, that would make it even worse). I'm not sure if it is worth the effort, considering that most of these editors will probably already have solutions for this on their own, and we might better focus our efforts on making a kick-ass, all around source code widget instead.


El sáb, 29-08-2009 a las 12:37 +0200, Paolo Borelli escribió:
On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 21:21 +0200, perriman wrote:
Hi all,

	I'll reopen the GtkSourceCompletion library again while the gedit team
decide include a completion solution to gtksourceview. I will not
develop more changes in the gtksourceview repository and the new changes
will be do it in the GtkSourceCompletion library. My gedit plugins will
be developed using the GtkSourceCompletion library too because we go
very slow in the gsc and gsv integration and I don't get the feedback I
want to continue with the integration. I know you are very busy and you
can do what you want but I cannot wait to the integration and I need to

Hi Perriman,

	I am obviously very sorry that we were not able to finish the
integration and I think your choice to restart development of the
separate library is a good choice for now. We'll see if in the next
cycle things will go better, but in the mean time having the code out
and used is definitely a good thing.
My only suggestion is to keep using a separate prefix for the function
names and where possible to use in gtksourcecompletion the changes that
were made while working on the integration this cycle.

Thanks for all your work,


Thanks a lot for your effort!!!


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