[gedit-list] Commenting multiple lines of R-code and Python...

Recently, I have sent this question to the list:

> Hi!
> I wonder how to manage automatic code commenting for R
> language. There is nice auto-commenting/uncommenting option in Edit
> menu. It works in LaTeX, but not in R...

I got an answer that for my:
> Gedit 2.22.3 with gtksourceview-2.0 in Debian testing.

> On Sun, 2009-03-29 at 20:05 +0200, Paolo Borelli wrote: 
> > Ok, this explains it. That old versions only supports the commenting
> > feature for a small set of languages. If you want to add support 
> > for R you need to edit the codecomment.py file of the plugin.

I would really appreciate if anyone helps me what or how to change
codecomment.py file. I just realized that Python commenting does not
work too. The only thing that works is LaTeX commenting with
<CTRL><ALT>C (<CRTL><ALT>U for uncommenting) from the Edit menu.

Please, help!


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