[gedit-list] GtkSourceView 2.0 lang files

I tried to convert lang file for 80386 assembly (AT&T syntax) from GtkSourceView 1.0 to GtkSourceView 2.0 using included convert.py. Syntax highlighting worked with 1.0, but 2.0 refuses to load lang file with the following error:

Failed to load '/usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/asm.lang': Error while compiling regular expression (?-ix)'([^\]|\\(.?)) at char 20: missing terminating ] for character class

In the original (1.0) lang file, I had this regular expression:


which was translated to (using convert.py):


I cannot see what's wrong with second regular expression. Is the syntax for regexp changed in 2.0? If the answer is yes, is there a comparison chart, list of changes or something like this?

Best regards,
Zarko Zivanov

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