[gedit-list] gEdit External Tools Snippets Wiki Section

Hi all,

i know that isn't directly a development question :)

One of the really cool features of gEdit is the "External Tools" plugin.
What about adding a "External Tools Snippet" section at the gEdit Wiki
in HOWTO Documents or Help Documents ?

There are so many cool snippets at the web that should collected.
An example of mine:

Could be listed as:

Comparing files
Requires: Meld, Zenity
meld $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_DIR/$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME `zenity --file-selection --title=File for comparsion --filename=/home/` &


I would collect and maintain it. What do you think about it? Wouldn't it usefull for many people
and let them understand the power of gEdit?


Ich darf andere nicht zum Fliegen verleiten.

|      |        Bart.
| (O)(O)        bart neeneenee de
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