[gedit-list] Announce: GtkSourceCompletion 0.4.0 released!!!!


This library adds completion support to GtkSourceView. There is
GtkSourceCompletion that creates the widget displaying the completion
items. You must register a GtkSourceCompletionProvider to which the
popup will delegate the completion work.

New Features and fixes
- Created completion tree and completion popup widgets.
- New multipage support!!!
- Less memory usage
- Better autocompletion

Gedit plugin

Version 0.3.0 works fine with GtkSourceCompletion 0.4.0

* (Put your ideas here!!!!!!!!)
* Load completion data in a separated thread.
* Create various providers: 
	- Devhelp api provider: Provide completion items from devhelp
	database (like devhelp do in the search box)
	- Multi Document words completion: Provide items from various 
	open documents.
	- Files words completion: Provide words reading a set of files.
	- Copy history provider: This provider catch when the user copy
	a text and save it into a list then provide this copied text
	like completion items.
	- A lot of providers more :)
* ......

Homepage: http://gtksourcecomple.sourceforge.net/
Project page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gtksourcecomple/
More Info: http://live.gnome.org/GtkSourceCompletion


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