Re: [gedit-list] tabulation plugin

On 3/29/07, Kristoffer Lundén <kristoffer lunden gmail com> wrote:
Hi Kristoffer

If your plugin has a similar way to detect that it wants to control
that document, it could be added, as it's obvious your plugin should
have precedence for anyone activating both plugins.

In fact, I'm not detecting how tabulation should work. I'm just
forcing the tabulation without questions. :)

 php/python = 4 spaces
 ruby = 2 spaces
 html/js/css = 1 tab

I didn't know that I can set the plugin's precedence. How can I do that?

view.get_data('AutoTabSkip') and if that exists and is True, it should
skip that document.

I think that creating a more generic way to skip Auto Tab is way to go.

Now, I don't know if you actually use Auto Tab or just tried it and
forgot it, but does something like that sound workable? :)

I found Auto Tab interesting, but it didn't correctly detect my
tabulation -- all was 4 spaces tab and Auto Tab assumed that was 2 --
so I disabled it.  :)

Nando Vieira
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