Re: tab behaviour, was [gedit-list] gedit 2.15.2 released

On Fri, May 19, 2006 10:52 am, Nigel Tao wrote:
> Here is a short gedit Python plug-in that makes Ctrl-PgUp and
> Ctrl-PgDn cycle through tabs, just like my GTK+ web browser (Epiphany)
> does.

While this is a better shortcut compared to the current one,
it still doesn't address the problem -- we are patching over
fundamental design decisions.

Also, this will not solve the Alt-TAB problem. When you use
Alt-TAB, you're using your left hand, whereas Ctrl-PgUp
is on the right hand, making it very awkward to use in the
same sequence. Alt-TAB can only work properly with SDI,
since the title of the window will be completly misleading
when you open more than one file in the MDI UI.

Dimi Paun <dimi lattica com>
Lattica, Inc.

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