Re: [gedit-list] help for modelines plugin?

I'm a big fan of gedit but I think that the documentation is one area
where gedit really falls short.

When I look at the gedit documentation in yelp, it seems that it only
holds 'placeholder' information (eg the introduction) and lists of
already-obvious stuff (like the categories of highlighting formats). I
usualy go there looking for a specific keyboard shortcut (eg how to
switch between tabs) or command-line parameter (how to not reopen a
document that's already open, and in that case I realise I can access
the man page). These things are not so easily seen in the yelp docs.

I wonder if it might be useful to have a bit of a discussion on some of
the things that people think are missing in the documentation, and what
most users actually go looking for?

Thinking again that this is mostly a programmer's tool, perhaps it would
be ok to raise the assumed level of ability, so that some of the more 
advanced stuff assumes greater visibility in the documentation? Maybe a
non-programmer needs to be writing the documentation?

Paolo Borelli wrote:

> John Pye wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Where can I get the documentation for the Modelines plugin? I have
>> checked Yelp and the GNOME wiki but didn't find anything. I'd like to
>> know what modlines are supported, and what the syntax is (without the
>> assumption that I know the formats for modelines in vim, emacs, kate).
> No docs yet, unfortnately
>> Can I used modelines to specify syntax style, eg for a 'SConstruct'
>> file to be formatted as python?
> No, at the moment it just allows to specify tab vs spaces and
> tab-width (and maybe something else I do not recall :)
>> Cheers
>> JP

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