Re: [gedit-list] New Feature (split documents)

Ludo wrote:
On 6/21/06, chuchi <jbarbero quiter com> wrote:
        I need your help. My fist intention is create a new proyect to do this
embeding the gedit control inside the new editor. �What do you think
about this? �Some idea? �I create a new proyect or add this feature to
gedit? �perhaps i may do a plugin for gedit?

Adding it (if possible as a plugin) to gedit would be preferable.
Though I'm kinda wondering if this would be a gedit feature or a
gtksourceview feature. I'm not sure what part of gedit is gedit
itself, and which part is gtksourceview. IMHO this feature could be
very useful, if done well. I guess one of the Paolo's can help you out
with this.

Well such a feature is a bit at the limit of what gedit is supposed to be, though I admit that from time to time I would have liked split windows too, so if presented with a nice and clean patch and a polished user interface I would at least consider it... However I think it would not be easy to do in gedit right now: in gedit the concept that each document has one and only one view is pretty deeply rooted. This is mostly due to the fact that despite what advertised the GtkTextBuffer/GtkTextView model/view split is subotimal and having multiple views for a single buffer would have other side effects (the views would not be indipendent enough). A different approach would be to use two buffer/view pairs but at that point you have to code a lot of logic to make the two buffers aware one of the other.

Feel free to prove me wrong with code :)



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