[gedit-list] use-case: external program invokes gedit

Hi all,

I have mentioned this issue before but recently installled FC5 so have
been able to try out the newer gedit 2.14.1.

I would like to use gedit as the editing module for an application that
I am developing. The application is a solver that uses source files that
can #include other source files. I want the files in my application to
be double-clickable for editing, and for that editing to happen in gedit
(I don't want to write an editor). I don't want gedit to open multiple
copies of documents, and I don't want a warning about 'already editing'.
Also, when the solver detects errors in the source file(s), I want users
to be able to double click through to a particular line in a particular
file (but again, not opening a second copy).

It strikes me that this should really not require too much change to
gedit, and it would be a useful feature for a number of different
applications. I'm thinking for example of: mc, cscope, regexxer.

Far as I can tell, the change basically just requires a new command-line
option like "--no-reopen". Then from my application I would be able to
invoke the following to skip to the required line of the file:

gedit --no-reopen myfile.a4c +142

Is this idea basically compatible with the design intentions of gedit?
Is it reasonable to hope that this use-case could be supported in a
future version?


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