Re: [gedit-list] How to write a new .lang file

stefano garbin sitgroup it wrote:

Hi all

I am writing a new .lang file for syntax hilighting of a programming language called APDL (stands for Ansys Parametric Design Language - Ansys is a commercial software for finite element analysis). I tried to modify one of the existing .lang files and I got a quite good result, but I would like to have more informations on how those kind of files are structured in order to improve my work.
Can anyone help me please?
Hi Stefano, unfortunately there isn't a full doc explaining .lang files syntax, just the .dtd.
However the current syntax is pretty straightforward (and a bit limited).

Following one of the existing .lang files is your best bet or you can consult the ultimate .lang reference:


Feel free to ask any specific question.


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