Re: [gedit-list] Gedit 2.2.0 tools menu gone! (Kde, Rh9)


> As the subject line says, the Tools menu in my Gedit 2.2.0 has gone! 
> That is to say, "Tools" still appears in the menu bar but when I click 
> on it, I see menu...
> I tried uninstalling and re-installing the rpm, but this made no 
> difference. Some other advice I got was to edit /home/user/.gnome/gedit 
> and set:
> toolbar=1
> But I have no gedit file in my home directory. Is there perhaps a way I 
> can create this from scratch?
> Any advice would be welcome!
> Rob
> :)	

You should activate some plugin to have items in the Tools menu.


Paolo Maggi                      E-mail: paolo DOT maggi AT polito DOT it
Dip. Automatica e Informatica    Tel.  : + 39 011 564 7078 
Politecnico di Torino            Fax   : + 39 011 564 7099

A Bugless Program is an Abstract Theoretical Concept.

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