Re: [gedit-list] No multiple instances? (and feat req's for non-multiple)


> Tabbed editing is only useful if you don't need
> concurrent data from multiple files. Trying to start
> another instance, even with"--new-window", just opens
> another blank tab.

gedit --new-window filename

should open a "filename" in a new window.

> On the tabs there's no easy way to see if you've
> opened the same file 13 times; it always shows "blah"
> on the tab without an instance number. Maybe append
> "(1)" to the name on the tabs? 
This problem is partially fixed in gedit 2.2.x.
If you move the mouse on a tab, then a tooltip with the full file name
is shown.

> Also tab sorting - when you have 30+ documents open
> and you are using the side-scroll arrows to navigate,
> it can get confusing.

hmm... what do you mean exactly with "tab sorting"?

> Lastly, there's no easy way for someone to see the
> Changelog. The sf project page hasn't been updated
> since 1.120

You can see it from the page


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