Re: [gedit-list] change case plugin

Ciao Paolo,

>I have given a view to your plugin. Its implementation looks quite good
>but I have still to review it a more detailed way.
>Why are you using a dialog? I think we could use simple menu items like
>in MS Word or UltraEdit. 

Actually now that you name it, I booted my father's laptop and looked
at MS word: it uses a dialog similar to the one I used... anyway now
that you suggest it I agree that a menu approach it's nicer;
what about a submenu like

Change Case > All Upper Case
              All Lower Case
              Invert Case
              Title Case

In the case you agree on such a submenu can you give me a hint on how to
implement it? there are no plugins that do such a thing...
I managed to add the submenu using the gedit_menu_* api, but not to add
the items to the submenu... Or should I use a changecase-ui.xml file?

Keep in mind that I'm a newby and I never used xml/bonobo stuff... :)

>What about adding title case? i.e: Auguri di buon Natale -> Auguri Di
>Buon Natale

I'll try to add it this afternoon.

>Auguri e grazie,

Auguri anche a te,

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