Re: [gedit-list] close buttons on tabs

Hi James,

Here's a patch that adds close buttons on tabs.

I would like to make
the buttons a bit smaller still, but didn't see an obvious way to do

What about using a scaled down image? Is galeon using the stock image?

+static void
+gedit_mdi_child_tab_close_clicked (GtkWidget *button, BonoboMDIChild *child)
+        BonoboMDI *mdi;
+        mdi = BONOBO_MDI (bonobo_mdi_child_get_parent (child));
+ + bonobo_mdi_remove_child (BONOBO_MDI (mdi), child, FALSE);

You are not removing a MDI child, but a view.
I think you should use gedit_file_close here.


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