Re: [Geary] geary + cyrus imapd: subscribed folders?

Hey Kristan,

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 3:48 PM, Kristian Rink via geary-list <geary-list gnome org> wrote:
once again looking into geary as I still miss an "up-to-date", usable, somewhat lightweight mail client for Linux/GNOME. Geary is pretty close to what I want, but unfortunately still I can't use it with our corporate IMAP server (cyrus-imapd based).

This is definitely a problem for servers with large numbers of folders visible to an account. The cause of the CPU load you are seeing is the background sync that occurrs at startup and periodically when Geary is running. The next version will have some substantial improvements to how the sync process works, and it runs less often, so upgrading to that should help a bit. You can try out bulding and running Geary from git master to see if that is indeed the case.

However, to get Geary to avoid syncing all the folders on the server we either need to implement support for subscriptions as you say, or use the new namespace support that will also be in 0.13 to only sync folders in an account's personal namespace, i.e. avoid syncing all of the shared folders. Geary would ideally do both. If you're willing to contribute some code for either of these, I'd be happy to help you out with that. The latter would be a much more straightforward task than the former.

Is there some way to tweak this behaviour? Expectation would be that geary restricts itself to just showing the folders my account has subscribed, which at least works in Thunderbird and evolution in a somewhat "portable" way... :)

No at the moment. Geary was originally aimed at getting people off Gmail, so this wasn't initially an important use case. I'd definitely like to address it at some point though.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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