[Geary] Geary release planning

Hey all,

I've put down some thoughts on the wiki about Geary releases going forward and am interested in getting some feedback from people in the community about it:


The plan for normal releases seems to converge with the GNOME twice-yearly release schedule, and if we hop on that then Geary could get promoted to being an official GNOME app, rather than being an app that just happens to be hosted on GNOME's infrastructure.

Of course, this wouldn't change our current policy of supporting other desktop environments as best we can, and we would continue to maintain that. It would however mean some more exposure for Geary, and hence encourage more people to both start using it and contribute to the project.

There's also a plan for supporting people using LTS distros going forward: Basically, continue to maintain an older Geary LTS version to support them as much as is feasible over the next few years, but transitioning to use Flatpak as a means of making the latest version of Geary available to everyone, including those on LTS distros, once it is generally available.

I'm hoping that this manages to strike a balance between able to provide fixes and updates to people in a timely fashion, while keeping the maintenance and development workload doable at the same time.

All feedback welcome!


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

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