Re: [Geary] follow-up to bug 747627: cannot save new message

Il giorno lun 28 nov 2016 alle 15:34, Michael Gratton <mike vee net> ha scritto:

Yeah, that's symptomatic of the issue. Looking at the log for your two accounts, the server for the first one supports the IMAP UIDPLUS extension, which Geary currently requires so it knows what the id of a newly created draft is, and hence can delete it again when updating the saved draft or sending the draft message. However the server for the second account, the webfaction account that Geary can't save drafts to, doesn't support UIDPLUS and hence you get that error message.

This is interesting, because it explains also the problem I described in "Bug 764581 - unread count is incorrect when receiving replies to email address and email alias". I've just added a comment there:

In this situation, Geary should probably indicate somehow that saving drafts is not possible for account, and not offer to save drafts. If you file a new bug for that I'll look into a fix.

Great, here it is:

A proper fix however would be to have some kind of fallback so that servers that do not support UIDPLUS can still be used to save drafts. I have a feeling that the way to do that is implement local draft folders, i.e. Bug 713581.

One last thing, in[0] you mentioned you were getting a "No drafts folder found" error, did you do anything to fix that, or did it just go away?

I think that it just went away, but I don't remember well as I tried many things (e.g. I fiddled with the folder settings on the roundcube webmail.. can't remember if I saw something strange or not).


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