Re: [Geary] Geary (electron + js)

Hey José,

Although I like the idea of another well-designed open-source mail client that is cross-platform, I think your suggestion is not really a target for Geary.

* Porting Geary would mean a complete rewrite from the ground up. That would mean deleting the whole code base (or most of it).
* We'd lose some native integrations with GNOME(-like) desktops (the headerbar being one)
* Using electron specifically has its drawbacks as well (it's a memory hog on my computer for example).
* There's GJS if we would really like to write Geary using _javascript_, but would still mean developing in GTK rather than real cross-platform development, and making the build process even more complicated.

So in conclusion: I think it's better to look at theming or even forking Nylas N1 for what you're trying to achieve, rather than taking Geary as a starting point.

Kind regards, Niels De Graef

Op ma, 21 nov 2016 om 3:07 , schreef José Esteves <ajesteves gmail com>:

         I really like Geary Client, its simplicity and conversation approach is unique and make it the best fit (in my opinion) for linux users.

In my research on mails clients I cross with Nylas N1 that has a particular approach to mail (it add another server between client and imap/exchange servers ). But the things is the U.I. of the client is very clean and really works fast. It is build on top electron (js for desktop) and with JS frameworks. 

        The debate I want to open is: do think is feasible to make a Geary version on those technologies. It would be obviously open-source and cross-platform. What do you think the pros and cons of a project like this ?



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