Re: [Geary] Call for testing & translations for 0.11

Il giorno dom 8 mag 2016 alle 3:16, Michael Gratton <mike vee net> ha scritto:
To add some translations, head to the translations web site
<>, sign up or log in, and
translate missing strings for the "master" branch. The User Guide in
particular could use some love.
Hi Mike

Good to see Geary's development active again!

I was updating the italian translation last week, but got stuck when translating "unread" for the is: operator. unread is usually translated into italian with two words "non letto", but this does not work as a search operator. So I chose to use "nuovo" (new) instead. I've asked the italian translators team how to deal with this exception and how to make it consistent within the whole application. I'll send the final patch before Friday.
BTW, I like the new icon!

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