Re: [Geary] default tools and workflow for contributors

FWIW, I'll typically have Gedit with Valencia, Gitg, and a few terminals open when I'm working on Geary. I may use Glade to examine a UI file, but I tend to make fixes to those in a text editor, to avoid the revision noise the Glade produces. I build directly on my laptop with "./configure; make".

I always run Geary from the terminal with the -d -i flags. The former spits out a lot of debug information that can be helpful when you notice something has gone wrong. The latter enables the WebKit inspector for the conversation view, which is very useful for debugging.

I'll use gdb or GtkParasite when warranted. Since I can never remember how to invoke these, I have short shell scripts to do it for me.

----- geary-gdb -----
G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings gdb --args geary -d
--- gearyparasite ---
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gtk-3.0/modules GTK_MODULES=gtkparasite ./geary $@


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Simon Bernard <contact simonbernard eu> wrote:
Hi guys,
I would like to know which tools did you use to develop Geary (and more generaly yorba software) ? I mean gedit(valencia), anjuta, val(a)Ide, gdb ? Did you develop in a VM ? or/and with jhbuild ? It could be nice to have a guideline page for new contributors with default tools and workflow.
  (I found nothing about that in contributors guide)

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