[Geary] Announcing Geary 0.6.0

We at Yorba are pleased to announce the release of Geary 0.6.0, a new stable version of our IMAP mail client.  Much has changed since our last stable release, including:

 * Basic search scope operators, such as from:john
 * An oft-requested "save sent mail" option for non-Gmail users
 * Separate actions for archive, trash, and delete
 * Much improved server support -- if you found Geary unusable in the past on a Dovecot or other non-"cloud service" server, I'd urge you to give it another go
 * Many stability, speed, and interface improvements and bugfixes

The Geary 0.6.0 tarball can be downloaded at <https://download.gnome.org/sources/geary/0.6/geary-0.6.0.tar.xz>.  Geary 0.6.0 is also available for Ubuntu Saucy users at our PPA: <https://launchpad.net/~yorba/+archive/ppa>.


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