Re: [gdome]gdome2 0.7.0 + 0.7.1pre6 with libxml2 2.4.14

On Sun, Feb 10, 2002 at 01:41:23AM +0000, Justin Fletcher wrote:
> Hiya,
> gdomecore/gdome-xml-xmldtd-util.c uses the HashScan routine to do searches
> of some form - I'm only compiling this; I don't fully understand things.
> libxml2 2.4.13 had the type for these routines as :
> typedef void *(*xmlHashScanner)(void *payload, void *data, xmlChar *name);

  that was an error. the routine using those scanners never needed 
anything back, it was just an error in defining xmlHashScanner
(and for example that error wasn't done for xmlHashScannerFull).

> As reflected in the gdome2 routine (for example) :
> void *
> notationsHashScanner (void *payload, void *data, xmlChar *name);
> (there are about 5 of these in that file; there may be others elsewhere)
> libxml2 2.4.14 has the type for these routines as :
> typedef void (*xmlHashScanner)(void *payload, void *data, xmlChar *name);
> Note the lack of the *. The return value was never used by xmlHash AFAICT
> which is the reason for its removal. However, this causes a buid failure
> here. I'm not worried about it at the moment, because I was only building
> gdome2 to check that my port of libxml2 to RISC OS hadn't broken anything
> else, and found that this had broken.
> I assume that the routines in gdome2 can stop returning values, and remove
> the * return ?

  if the gdome2 routines were returning values for scanner, either
they need to redefined their own type and scanning routines or something
else need to be fixed, clearly libxml2 wasn't using the return code.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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