[gdome]State of my work 03/23/2001

Main new feature:
- Implemented: Document.importNode, DOMImplementation.hasFeature,
- Checked: Node.normalize
- Modified all methods that have to manage GDOME_NAMESPACE_ERR
- Added to the all 626 gdome2 API in gdome.c the "self != NULL" test to
  avoid stupid segmentation faults. So the right mode (at this moment) to
  use gdome2 is calling the gdome.c API (es. gdome_doc_importNode(...))
  that are a wrapper over the particular object model implemented in

All Fundamental and Extended intefaces are completed.

Next Tasks:
- prepare the realese

Scheduled date for the next commit: 03/24/2001
Scheduled date for release: 03/25/2001

Paolo Casarini - casarini cs unibo it

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