Re: [gdome]serializing a node


> The app itself is just a cTree represention of the dom. It allows you to
> edit the dom buy moveing bits of it around, inserting nodes, deleting
> nodes, cut/copy/paste nodes, editing attributes and text nodes etc. By the
> end of the week it should also be able to ensure that the changes you make
> are valid.

that's a good news. I've developed a similar (but limited) tool some
time ago, but never finished. I hope you will make it available very
soon. By the way, is it implemented in a lazy way? I mean, for huge XML
files the Ctree widget takes a while to be built up, so a better
solution is to create it as the user expands subtrees, by reading the
underlying DOM.
If you think it may be useful, I can provide some of my old code.



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