Re: [gdome] gdome2

On Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 03:24:31PM +0200, Mathieu Lacage wrote:
> hi all,
> Ok, raph is going to kill me. We met at GUADEC and
> discussed some gdome stuff with a few other ppl.
> The idea is that I am going to:
> 	- remove autogen
> 	- clean code, remove duplicated code
> 	- move to libxml2
> 	- implement Node and Attribute interfaces
> 	- cleanup
> 	- implement the rest of the Core 1 spec.
> I will do a lot of this during my 2 week vacations 
> starting now. I will commit everything to GNOME's
> CVS repository into a new cvs module: gdome2.
> I would like to hear raph's ideas about the folowing.
> libxml2 still uses the *_EVIL_*
> #include <tree.h>
> and not
> #include <gnome-xml/tree.h>
> Daniel told me that he would probably switch from
> to when libxml2 has stabilized.

  I'm unsure about this, this still need more thinking. For example
redhat still ships a libxml0 compatibility lib.

> I don't know about the last point but the I don't like the 1st 
> one.
> I think I don't understand why DV_ wants to keep the 1st one. 
> He tried to explain me but I cannot think like him.
> What he said was something like "source compatible breakage".
> I don't understand how a one-line change in all applications
> is bad.

  Would it be a one and forever line change i would not mind.
If it is N changes for every files for every major release then 
this sucks and I'm not gonna accept this.

Suppose that with gnome 2.0 all apps have to change

#include <gnome/xxx.h>
#include <gnome2/xxx.h>

then I'm pretty sure I would not be the only one to complain :-)

The "gnome-xml" isn't a good prefix, libxml would.
Should it be libxml or libxml2 ?
would this have to be incremented to libxml3 in one year (and so on ...) ?

That's what I'm currently struggling with and in the absence of a good
answer, the status quo will be maintained.

This is now the major issue left w.r.t. libxml-2.0.0 final release.


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