[gdm-list] GDM 2.20.11 (stable), the "Overdue" Release

The 2.20.11 release is a stable release of the GNOME Display Manager
(GDM) program with the following bug fixes and improvements:

- No longer print invalid encoded strings since this can causemaster
  the user's password to be logged in the syslog if it contains invalid
  characters and if GDM debug is enabled.  Fixes bug #571846.

- Fix call to g_markup_printf_escaped so NULL strings are not passed in.

- Fix the login GUI dialog that asks the user if they want to change
  their default session when the one in the user's .dmrc file is not
  installed on the system.

- Switch buttons "Make Default" and "Just For This Session" for better
  usability.  Fixes bug #597661.

- On Solaris, GDM now configure favors the Xfree Xinerama interfaces
  over the obsolete Solaris specific interfaces.  This ensures that
  Xinerama works on OpenSolaris where Xfree should be used, and also on
  Solaris 10 where the Solaris specific interfaces should be used.
  Fixes bug #580060.

- Fixes for "make distcheck".

Documentation & Downloading

Online Documentation - http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/
Latest Stable        - http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gdm/2.30/
Latest Unstable      - http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gdm/2.31/
Bug Reporting        - http://bugzilla.gnome.org in the "gdm" category.

Have fun,


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