Re: [gdm-list] gdm doesn't use /etc/ libraries.


> I use Mathematica together with my image-processing library what means
> that I call
> functions of this lib out of the Mathematica frontend. The library
> itself depends on several libs (some of them in my home/lib) which are
> either known by the system or which were made visible with
> the /etc/ and the ldconfig tool.
> When I start Mathematica from a console everything works fine (notice: I
> have not set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable). Starting Mathematica by an
> gdm-application launcher and my image-tools don't work. One solution is
> to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my or in the system-wide .profile file
> which is read by gdm.
What do you mean by gdm-application launcher?  Do you mean a GNOME
panel launcher?

> Is there a reason why gdm doesn't use the ldconfig settings?

You're probably seeing a bug similar to this old issue:

What distro are you running?

When you log in on some distros gdm ends up running something like:

exec $SSH_AGENT /bin/sh -c "exec -l $SHELL -c \"$1\""

where $SSH_AGENT is /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL is usually /bin/bash and
$1 is usually gnome-session

The problem is /usr/bin/ssh-agent is setgid for security reasons which
means libc will strip out any variables starting with LD_ before
running it (LD_ variables have the ability to alter how the program
would execute)

The solution is to fix the Xsession file to invoke ssh-agent using
it's alternate syntax

eval `ssh-agent -s`

first and then changing the exec line to just be

exec -l $SHELL -c \"$1\"

Alternatively you could throw the LD_ variables over the ssh-agent
wall with env, like:

exec $SSH_AGENT /usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /bin/sh
-c "exec -l $SHELL -c \"$1\""

Anyway, if this is the problem you're seeing, then you should file
this issue with your distro (or upgrade your distro if it's old and
might already be fixed)


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