Re: [gdm-list] how to choose which users are visible?


can you please help me with seting up gdm.custom file. I would like to
define which users are and which ones aren't visible on GDM login
If using GDM 2.20 or earlier, then this can be defined by setting the
following configuration options in the GDM custom.conf file.

Include=(list of users separated by commas)

I'm actually asking for gdm 2.24, but I will try it and then report
back if it doesn't work.

Sorry, if you are using 2.24, that method will not work.  I assumed
you were talking about the older GDM since you made mention of the
gdm.custom file.

I don't believe the new GDM has any mechanism to control the users which
are displayed. The configuration options it does support are listed

Sorry for the confusion.


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