Re: [gdm-list] FailsafeXServer - gdm keeps restarting X

Bryce Harrington wrote:
I've tried it both with and without the '&' without any change of
effect.  I left it in since the example you pointed to had one but I
think it is unnecessary.

Leave the '&' there, otherwise the 'sleep' and 'kill' won't
execute until after the 'xinit' has terminated.

Try adding a 'wait' after the 'kill' so that your failsafe
script does not exit until the 'xinit' exits.  Right now your
script will terminate immediately after the 'kill', and
that's going to cause GDM to try to proceed to do something
else with this server instance.

BTW, invoking 'zenity' with '--info' or '--error' probably
makes more sense than '--warning'.  That'll get you one
button on the dialogue rather than two.

mike oliver sun com

On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 01:43:56PM -0500, Brian Cameron wrote:

Do you need to run the xserver in the background by adding "&" to the
end, or does xinit return immediately?


Thanks, this feels like a step in the right direction, but even when
issuing the kill -USR1 $PPID it is still trying to restart the server.
Below is the failsafeXServer script I'm using; are you able to see the
same issue I do when running this?


## failsafeXServer=failsafeExample

clientargs="--warning --text HelloWorld "
if [ -z $serverargs ]; then
serverargs="${serverargs} -br -once -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe"

xinit $client $clientargs -- $server $serverargs &

sleep 5

kill -USR1 $PPID

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