gdm man pages

gdm team:

Attached please find the GDM man pages that Sun created in
SGML format.  I'm not sure if the GDM team wants the man pages
in SGML or NROFF format.  I understand it isn't hard to convert
them using the correct transform, but I'm not familiar with
how to do this.  Also, the ATTRIBUTES section probably should
be removed for the public CVS since this section is Sun

Note that the gdm.1 manpage is the long version that George
didn't like.  The Sun docs team decided not to use the
shorter version that references the gdm yelp docs because
gdm does not currently install the gdm yelp docs.  But once
these docs are installed, Sun is planning to change the gdm.1
man page to reference them instead of including sections that
contain duplicated information, but that'll probably happen
in a future release.  If someone gets the gdm yelp docs
so that they are installed, then the "XDMCP", "CONTROLLING
could be removed  from the gdm.1 man page and instead replaced
with a reference to look in the yelp docs.

Would someone be willing to help get these files into the
GDM CVS.  As mentioned above, there's still some work
to do, but it should be fairly straightforward if there is
someone familiar with doing this sort of work.




Attachment: gdm-man.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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