Re: Documentation on creating themes


> Is there any documentation of any kind for creating themes? i cant seem 
> to find anything on what kind of xml tags and options it can handle.

I recently wrote the attached document that describes the XML format
for gdm2 themes.  People can free to use this documentation as they
wish.  Should it get added to the gdm2 docs?

      GDM Themes can be created by creating an XML file that follows
      the greeter.dtd.  Theme files are stored in the following directory


      Refer to the separate gdm-theme.dtd file.

      Detailed Description of Theme XML format:

      Box Nodes:

        Box nodes are container nodes for item nodes.  Box nodes are
        specified as follows:

        <box orientation="alignment" min-width="int" xpadding="int"
         ypadding="int" spacing="int">

        The alignment value can be either "horizontal" or "vertical".

      Item Nodes:

        A GDM Theme is created by specifying a hierarchy of item and box
        nodes.  Item nodes can have the following value for "type":

          entry  - Text entry field
          label  - Label.  Must have a "text" node to specify the text.
          pixmap - Pixmap (in a format GTK+ supports like PNG, JPEG, Tiff)
          rect   - Rectangle
          svg    - Scaled Vector Graphic

        For example:

          <item type="label">

        Items can specify ID values which gives them a specific look
        and feel or formatting:


          Entry items can have id values as follows:

             user-pw-entry - Entry field for userid and password entry.


          Label items can have id values as follows:

           clock         - Label the displays the date and time.
           pam-error     - Label the displays PAM error messages.
           pam-message   - Label the displays PAM message.
           pam-prompt    - Label the displays PAM prompt.
           pam-warning   - Label the displays PAM warning messages.
           timed-label   - Label that displays timed login information


           Rectanges can have id values as follows:

             caps-lock-warning - Displays an icon that shows if the
                                 CAPS LOCK key is depressed.

           If an item is of type rect, the item can be a button.  Buttons
           must also include a "button" value as follows:

             <item type="rect" id="disconnect_button" button="true">.

           Possible values for button ids are as follows:

             language_button   - Select language
             disconnect_button - Disconnect from remote session
             reboot_button     - Reboot system
             halt_button       - Halt system
             suspend_button    - Suspect system
             session_button    - List available sessions
             system_button     - Perform halt/reboot/suspend/etc. options
                                 (if allowed by gdm configuration).  Also
                                 allows user to run configurator if user
                                 enters root password (again if allowed
                                 by gdm configuration).
             config_button     - Only allows configure system

      Position Node:

        Each item can specify its position and size via the "pos" node.
        For example:

	  <pos x="0" y="4" width="100%" height="100%"/>

      Show Node:

        Some items may only display in certain modes, like when doing a
        remote display.  Multiple values can be specified and must be
        separated with commas.  The following values are possible:

          console       - In console mode
          console-fixed - In console non-flexi mode
          console-flexi - In console & flexi mode
          remote-flexi  - In remote & flexi mode
          flexi         - In flexi mode
          remote        - In remote mode

        For example:

          <show modes="flexi,remote"/>

        You can also specify the "type" value to indicate that certain
        items should only be displayed if the type is true.  Valid values
        include the following:

          config   If ConfigAvailable is set to "true" in gdm.conf file.
          system   If SystemMenu is specified in gdm.conf file
          halt     If HaltDaemon is specified in gdm.conf file.
          reboot   If RebootCommand is specified in gdm.conf file.
          suspend  If SuspendCommand is specified in gdm.conf file.
          timed    If TimedLoginEnabled is set to "true" in gdm.conf file.
        For example:

          <show modes="console" type="system"/>

      Normal/Active/Prelight Nodes:

        Depending on the item type, it can specify its color, font, or
        image via the following tags:

          normal   - normal 
          active   - when the item has active focus
          prelight - when the mouse is hovering over the item

        When item is "rect" (alpha can be omitted and defaults to 0.0):

          <normal color="#fffff" alpha="0.0">

        When item is "label":

          <normal color="#ffffff" font="Sans 14"/>

        When the item type is "pixmap" or "SVG", then the normal, active,
        and prelight tags specify the images to use as follows:

          <normal file="picture.png" tint="#dddddd"/>

        Note that relative pathnames are assumed to be in the same 
        directory as the theme .xml file in share/gdm/themes/<theme_name>.

      Text Node:

        Text tags are used by labels.   They can be used to display
        localized text as follows:

          <text xml:lang="fr">Option</text>


        Certain common localized labels can be specified via the stock
        tags.  The "text" tag is ignored if the "stock" tag is used.
        The following values are valid:

           language           _("_Language")
           session            _("_Session")
           system             _("S_ystem")
           disconnect         _("D_isconnect")
           quit               _("_Quit")
           caps-lock-warning  _("You've got capslock on!") 
           timed-label        _("User %s will login in %d seconds")
           welcome-label      _("Welcome to %h")
           username-label     _("Username:")

        For example:

          <stock type="welcome-label"/>

      Examples of themes with photos can be found here:

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