Re: problem with gconfd

Hi Jan,

Ing. Jan Zajic schrieb:
I am administrator of relatively big installation of SunRays with
many users. I would like to set some preferences in gnome (java)
desktop as mandatory or default. What is correct way to convert local
user setting (created by graphical tool stored in $HOME/.gconf) into
default or mandatory setting.

Is there a way to find out from which resource gconfd loaded value of
 the key? Both gconftool-2 and gconf-editor display value of keys but
not from which repository (mandatory, local, default) it was loaded.

You can use gconftool-2 with the --direct --config-source=.. options in order to get (and set) data at a specific level.

One way for setting some settings as mandatory or default that you have set up as local user settings is:

1. Dump the desired part of the user settings to a file
   $ gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml::$HOME/.gconf \
       --dump /the/base/gconf/key > mysettings.xml

2. Clean up the settings, to prune any you don't want, etc.
   $ $EDITOR mysettings.xml

3. Load the settings into the mandatory (or default) data source
   # gconftool-2 --load mysettings.xml \
       --direct --config-source=xml::/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory


- Jörg

P.S. Depending on the OS/distro/version your desktop may support facilities that provide simpler ways of setting up default or mandatory settings in gconf, like Sabayon or Sun Desktop Manager.

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