purging entries for schemas no longer installed?

Is there a way to automatically purge schema entries for entries that are no longer installed in the system?

Namely, lets say I install evolution. If I want to remove it in debian, I could a dpkg --purge evolution.

this will remove the schemas, but whatever changes I made to my local gconf will still exist. What happens if I made some bad configuration choices that I really want to revert, but dont know whats breaking it? I can't seem to find a way to either

a) take a schema and revert all key values to their default

or preferably for this case

b) see what schamas are installed and remove any keys that don't have their schemas installed anymore.

The closest thing to "b" I can see is that I can probe each key and see if it has a schema (if I remove the schemas it seems to come up "no schema known" and then "unset" them. But I think this would just result in a situation where one has empty values if it would be reinstalled, not default values (though I could be wrong I guess).

any help would be appreciated.


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