Re: questions about gconf future

On Tue Jul  6 15:53:51 2004, Joerg Barfurth wrote:
Dave Cridland wrote:

On Tue Jul  6 04:22:24 2004, Marcin Antczak wrote:
2. Are there plans to change current schema structure? And for example to use standard XMLSchema structures?

Ah, another I can answer. Goodie.

Syntactic validation does not lead to valid data, it's just one step - the simplest - on the way.

XML Schema offers more than that. Besides syntactic validation of data types it supports various constraints that can be used to validate common semantic constraints.

Okay, so it does a little more than I thought.

An application may simply check the colour you entered is a valid one, but might also check that the combination of that and other colours provides sufficient contrast - such sufficiency being defined, possibly, by a key elsewhere in GConf.

There is limit to the amount of automated checking that can be done with reasonable effort. You wouldn't be able to check such constraints in almost any database (except with custom triggers).


OTOH there is quite a lot of additional checks (datatype, range, ...) that can be done more generically and that cover most common semantic constraints.

But a complete waste of time.

Let's assume we're talking about a colour. GConf could indeed validate (on write, presumably) that a colour is a valid CSS3 colour specification, for instance. The application then can read this, knowing it's valid.

The application still has to parse it. Would you write an application that parsed a relatively complex string, without error checking?

And it's worth noting that many apps may wish to retain whether the user specified #FFF, #FFFFFF, #FFFFFFFFF, or white, or rgb(100%,100%,100%), especially when it comes to re-presenting this information in a dialog box, so we can't simply define a new wire format for a colour.

But there is a place where enforcing schema-defined constraints is useful and feasible: Configuration editors (like gconf-editor) can use this data to inform their users about constraints on data, but also to reject invalid input from humans. Another is validating data files or registry scripts that are used to distribute collections of settings.

I don't actually agree that we (and I'm counting everyone present as human) should be prevented from entering invalid input, at least if we're doing so behind the application's back, as it were. The application should reject bad configuration, and certainly not enter it, of course.

Think of how many times you've had to 'hack the registry' on Windows. (Or how many times you hear of it, at least.)

Validation of registry files and scripts? I think that these effectively fall into the category of execeutable content, and therefore people should be trained not to run them, in the same way we've trained Linux/UNIX users everywhere not to run arbitrary shell scripts and commands from untrusted sources.

GConf is not alone in this decision, incidentally - I'm not aware of any configuration system which does do validation except on read, whereas I do know that the ACAP working group spent a considerable time analyzing whether it was worth doing before discarding the idea.

Same with We even added something derived from a (very small) subset of the XML Schema datatypes constraints language to our schemas. But we don't use it to validate live access to configuration data by applications. Instead the information is intended for humans and generic editor tools.

How many times do those get out of sync?

Where validation would come in handy, of course, is within the application, written in code, tied in with a parser.

If it were possible to, for instance, validate that "rgb(100%,100%,100%)" was a valid CSS3 colour specification, and, on top of that, hand you back some useful data structure you could then actually use, then that would be a useful addition to the GConf client libraries somewhere.

The problem is that these sorts of formats do change (in this case, from CSS1 and CSS2), and maintaining binary compatibility would prove an interesting challenge.

The advantage, in this case, is that applications which simply handled a "colour" would seamlessly upgrade themselves from CSS1 through to CSS3 without any recompiling.

FWIW, KDE does something similar, in as much as the code required to read in configuration is written, itself, by a schema-like file, but of course changes to the code-writer require a recompile to handle.


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