GConf Permissions Problem

Hi.  I just installed Mozilla 0.9.4 and Galeon 0.12,
compiled from source, and am having problems...
I upgraded GConf to version 1.0.4.  I am getting the
error "Cannot find a schema for galeon
I have looked at the FAQ and it didn't solve the

I am pretty sure it is a permission problem, because I
can su and run galeon as root, but I get the schema
error when running as a regular user.  When running as
root I have no problems, everything works fine.... 
Oh another thing.... When running galeon as a normal
user in a gnome-terminal, there is no output.  I did
run it once as root at got an error like type
mismatch, expected string and got schema.  I just
removed the ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd directories,
restarted gconf, and galeon worked.  (this was as

The path file in /usr/etc/gconf/1 is the default, and
the /usr/etc/gconf and all subdirectories are world
readable....  the galeon.schema file in
/usr/etc/gconf/1/schema has permissions 755.  I can
open the galeon.schema file in gvim as a normal user,
and see the key /schemas/apps/galeon/galeon_test on
the top of the file.

Any other ideas of where to look for files that don't
have the right permission?  I installed gconf and
galeon, hoping they would set up all the right files
with the right permissions.  I have even deleted the
.gconf, .gconfd, and .galeon directories in the user
home dir.


"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispose himself of it."  --  Thomas Jefferson 
Wuzzeb the Wise
wuzzeb yahoo com

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