Re: GARNOME 2.16.0

The short answer is "yes".

The longer answer...

(1) Excluding certain packages
To exclude package "P", rename it ".P". For an explanation, see the
filter statements in the top level Makefile.

Caveat...  If package "P" is a dependency for package "Q", you will need

* Edit the GAR Makefile for package "Q" and remove package "P" from the

* Figure out how to satisfy that dependency externally. 
Your mileage may vary based upon version compatibility.

(2) Firefox
If your distro provides both firefox *and* firefox development support, 


will not be built.

To see this:

* cd to top of GARNOME src tree

* vi `grep -l firefox */*/Makefile`

Examine the scripting foo in the LIBDEPS lines. 

bootstrap/firefox is added to the dependency list only if the scripting
foo cannot locate what it needs. See for the definition of



On Fri, 2006-09-15 at 08:17 -0400, David Barron wrote:
> In general I'm very pleased and impressed with Garnome.  I had my first exposure to it this week and it's easy 
> to see that a lot of work has gone into it.
> I did have one question.  Is there a way to exclude certain things?  For instance, I won't be doing email on 
> this machine so I don't need evolution or the packages associated with it or the dependencies.  I've already 
> got Firefox so there's no need to go throught that lengthy build.  I also don't need the accessibility packages, 
> etc etc etc.  I assume it's not just a matter of deleting the directories for those packages?
> Thanks 
joseph_sacco [at] comcast [dot] net

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