Re: benefits of using of ccache?

Hi Paul,

While building the full suite of Garnome I see the cache grow until it reaches about 1.1GB after several updates. I think that 1 GB is enough when you build without using too much of boostrap and bindings. It does speed up the build quite conciderably on my box :-)



Paul Drain wrote:

To see if ccache would speed up things, I changed the install prefix and
fired up /desktop make paranoid-install.  It is now been crunching away
for 4 hours now with an eye-balled finishing time of 6 hrs.

The *first* time you compile something with ccache, there is no visible
effect -- preprocessed objects can be compiled quicker (the first copy
in the cache gets used for all subsequent builds), but everything else
works like a normal compile.

The next time, (or if you run 'make clean; make install' in an
individual directory) is *much* faster - depending on disc speed and the
amount of caching space you request.

The reason I recommend bumping the cache space up, is that ccache will
flush the cache of expired objects when there is less than 10% (I think)
room remaining -- and when you're building Mozilla, it evicts objects
quite frequently.

Of course, you can check all this information out by running 'ccache -s'
from the prompt :)



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