Re: evolution drives me mad.

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 23:50 +0200, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> I have a lot of problems with compilation of evolution and ximian connector.
> - Connector 2.5.90 does not compile (see my mail from yesterday, anyone 
> a idea?)
> therefore I downgraded both Evolution and Connector to 1.4.6

Evolution Connector is now at, which has many bugfixes for the
stable series.

> - Evolution depends on *exactly* libdb-3.1.17. This can be solved by 
> compiling libdb-3.1.17 as explaind in the readme and adding these 
> arguments to the Makefile of Evolution: 
> --with-db3-libs=/foo/libdb-3.1.17/build_unix --with-db3-includes/build_unix.
> - Now Evolution 1.4.6 complains about libgtkhtml-3.0:

If you want Evo 1.4.x, you might want to get the GARNOME 2.4.2 tarball
from the FTP site, and extract the relevant directories (db3 is in
bootstrap/, everything else is in proposed/) over the top of the ones
already there.

You'll also need to make a Connector directory yourself, because it
didn't exist at the time GARNOME 2.4.2 was released -- but that should
be a case of taking the existing directory, editing the Makefile to
point to and re-running 'make makesums'

> Another question for Paul: why is evolution 1.5.90 in garnome--timmy 
> instead of version 1.4.6? I am now bughunting in the stable tree!

Evolution 1.4.x had a number of faults, there were confirmed bugreports
appearing for everything from 'POP3 timeouts' through to data corruption
in the calendar/contacts list.

Once I saw (iirc, from a post on evolution-devel) that the Evolution
1.4.x tree was unlikely to see any major new code and that priority was
with the 1.5.x tree, I moved stable up accordingly -- figuring it was
easier to maintain 1.5.x with one or two patches, than it was to spend
even more time doing patch backporting.



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