Re: Debian Sid/Unstable Prerequisites

<quote who="Doug Quale">

> It was reported in bugzilla a few days ago in bug 121607 which includes a
> simple patch.  (The patch should make libgnome-desktop-dev unecessary to
> install Garnome.  I didn't need it.)  The reporter speculates that other
> Gnome projects may have the same makefile library order problem, but this
> is the only place I saw it happen when building Garnome 0.27.1.  Of course
> this problem could crop up again almost anywhere at any time.

Awesome, thank you for your research! If the patch doesn't require redoing
the auto* foo in GARNOME, or the change in generated .in files is simple,
I'll add a patch to the next release.


- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
  "We live in a place where policy discussion is conducted with money." -
                                Eben Moglen

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