Re: garnome 0.27.1 links against wrong libraries.

<quote who="Martijn Brouwer">

> > Not entirely. Find the .la file in /usr/lib that references the above
> > file, and delete it. Everything will continue as normal. .la files are
> > not required on Linux, and can break out-of-prefix builds for no reason,
> > as above.
> I do not know what .la files are, so I do not know what you mean with
> 'references the above file'.  I wonder why I have 957 .la files on my
> linux system if I do not need them.

There's no policy to remove them in Debian, for various reasons. Just grep
for the reference against /usr/lib/*.la - they're just text files.

> I get this with any gnome app that I want to compile so there clearly
> something broken. But what, I have not yet been able to figure out.  But
> again garnome seems to link against gnome libraries in /usr/lib

Yes, looks like it. Probably worth cleaning up those .la files. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
  If Perl is gaffer, and Python is Magic Tape, then Ruby is self-adhesive
                                plate gold.

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