compile failure (Mandrake)


Compiling Garnome 0.26.1 just failed for gnome-vfs-extras due to the
known dependency 'libsmbclient.h'. My problem is: There is no such file
on my Mandrake 9.1 system and I could not find this file in the
available packages.

Anyone solved this? Any hints?

Regarding 0.26.0: This one failed very quick on missing dependency 
libxml2 >= 2.5.6 -- could not get this either, but it is no longer an
issue... ;)


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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