Re: 0.21.2 on Mandrake 9 consuming 3 GB

> You are correct, that is what I did.  Thanks for pointing this out.  And
> thanks also to Matt.  Any estimates if I wanted to rebuild everything
> how much disk space that would take?  I don't know how close to "done" I
> got at 3 GB.

I have garnome, Gimp, evolution1.3, galeon + a load of other development
software all in 772M.

My garnome build dir got very big. About 1.5gb so I set a GARCHIVEDIR
in and did 'make garchive' in the root garnome directory
while NOT on the internet. This copies all my tarballs to another dir.
Then I did 'make clean'

		 .--= [ MArk Finlay - sisob ] =--.

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