Re: Compiling error

недељa, 31. август 2003. 13:11:39 CEST — Jens Bech Madsen написа:

Oh blah, love replying to myself. docbook-xml depends on sgml-data. No need for a seperate requirement.

Since many are using non-Debian distributions, and some stuff doesn't contain the dependency mechanism Debian provides, it might still be a good idea to list it, unless it's a "hard dependency" (i.e. docbooc-xml cannot be installed at all without sgml-data package being installed on every system).

With XML and SGML packages, this is rarely the case (if they contain just the DTD's, stylesheets and entity collections, installation can be performed using "cp * /path/to/install/dir"), so I guess it's better to add it to the list.

Any thoughts?


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