Re: trying Konstruct on a Debian Sarge distribution

On Saturday 16 August 2003 14:26, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
>> On Saturday 16 August 2003 13:50, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
>> >> >I downloaded J2sdk1.2.1_02, which is presently in some
>> >> > directory. How could I indicate to Konstruct where it is
>> >> > located? Or should I move the Sun distribution somewhere
>> >> > else?
>> >>
>> >> First, thats pretty ancient, its up to at least 1.4.2 now the
>> >> last time I checked.
>> >
>> >You're right, in fact I have 1.4.2 installed by apt-get. The
>> > problem is that configure searches jni.h in /usr/include/ while
>> > it is located in /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/include/
>> There might be an option you could give configure for that, or
>> even edit maybe?
>Yes, I can do it by coming right in the proper directory in the
>Konstruct hierarchy, but then configure does not find Qt, since it
> is installed during Konstruct building, and thus found in a
> different way. The problem seems to me that the does
> not allow me to tell where Java is installed, and this is the only
> file where parameters can be changed.
>> BTW, everytime I answer you, your spam filters thing I'm spam and
>> bounce the message.
>I'm sorry of that. I can't change this, since this spam filter is
>installed and managed by the administrators of my University or my
>laboratory. Could you send me back the bouncing message, in order
> that I try to have this problem fixed?

Verizon is supposed to have fixed that, by closing the open relay, but 
apparently they haven't yet, or the spam filter sites haven't caught 

I just deleted the last 2 bounces, and this will go only to the list, 
where its OT.  Since I can't send you a bounce anyway...

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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