Re: Nautilus crashing and NOT coming back

On Wed, 2002-06-19 at 21:29, ryan quarry wrote:
>     Do you have both 1.4 and gnome2 /bin directory's in your path? 
> Sounds like that might be your issue. Try removing gnome 1.4 from your 
> path. Is there any output when you run nautilus from the command line? 

That seems to have helped somewhat :-)

I was starting G2 with an xsession through GDM but my normal bash shell
settings did not =include the Garnome path.

Therefore, I was trying to start nautilus fromt he command line but the
wrong one :-(

I did just have a crash when I tried to launch something fromt he
preferences window "preferences:///"

There are a number of reported bugs (incl. mine) which have all been
marked as dupes of bug 84693 which the nautilus guys appear to have
fixed (two days ago)...

> I've had none of these issues that you describe and have been using G2 
> for general use for some time. I was able to replicate your 1.4 panel 
> woes, but it's not anything out of the ordinary (panel is supposed to 
> re-load automagically).  If you need a 1.4 applet, see if there is a 
> option you can pass it at startup to enable you to kill it later (i.e 
> --oaf-private or --sm-disable).

I'll try that, the bummer is if an old panel gets started you can't get
rid of it (you seem to have to always have 1 panel).

Thanks a lot.

* Simon Wong *

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