no database available to save your configuration


I installed gnome-0.10.6. When I start gnome2 I get three error windows.
1st  GConf error:
 no database available tos save your configuration:
   Unable to store a value at key '/apps/nautilus/preferences_version,
as the configuration server has no wirtable databases. ....

2nd  The application "Nautilus" attemted to change an aspect of your
configuration that your system asministrator or operating system vendor
does not allow to change....
   Unable to store a value at key '/desktop/gnome/file_view/icon_theme'

3rd No panels were found in your configuration. I will create a menu
panel for you.

This happens if I start gnome2 as root or as a newly created user
gnome2test, if I start it via xnest or Xsession.

Any hint would be appreciated.

	With best regards

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