Re: defeated @ chunk-common.xsl again

Some good instructions on docbook can be found at .

As you can see it was written specifically for LFS (sorry Jeff) but it might help with other distros. I used it and managed to install garnome-0.13.1 on my LFS system.


Phil wrote:
I recently saw garnome and it looked like a *really great excellent way for me
to o build the whole GNOME 2.0.1 tree without arduously going through package by package
	o installing in my own writable area, since I'm not root on my

Just exactly what I need!

I got stuck a short while when the automatic downloads via wget
failed; I had to create a ~/.wgetrc with proper proxy parameters. That
got around that problem.

But now I'm stuck on that classic problem:

 ==> Building gnome/libxslt as a dependency
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/netpub/gnome-2/etc/xml': File exists
Found DocBook XML 4.1.2 DTD in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2
Found ISO DocBook entities in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2/ent
could not locate chunk-common.xsl of DocBook XSLT stylesheets
make[2]: *** [pre-configure] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/scratch/g2/garnome-0.13.1/gnome/scrollkeeper'
make[1]: *** [dep-../../gnome/scrollkeeper] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/scratch/g2/garnome-0.13.1/gnome/gnome-terminal'
make: *** [dep-../../gnome/gnome-terminal] Error 2

I've read FAQ #7 and am still stuck.
A couple of things: I notice that garnome is scooping up stuff out of
the GNOME distribution that came with my Red Hat 7.2.  I do have read
access to that stuff, but not write access, if that matters. I'm
hoping the garnome install of a new GNOME won't want to update some
area that I don't have permissions to write.

Likewise, I'm worried about the advertised answer to FAQ #7

	  "get the rawhide RPMs for DocBook from Red Hat"

since most of my rpm experience tells me they require root to install and are frequently locked into a predetermined place
(like /usr).

An earlier poster to this list suggested modifying the buildDocBookCatalog script and adding directory entries for where
you have docbookx.dtd

I tried downloading dbk412catalog.tar.gz and installing the share/xml/
stuff in the directory where I've told garnome to install
gnome-desktop AND modifying the buildDocBookCatalog script, but that
doesn't seem to help.

So, when FAQ 7 says:

    "Sure you've got the Docbook XSL Stylesheets installed?"

I can answer truthfully
    "No, I'm not sure."

    "But I am sure buildDocBookCatalog has failed and won't let me go

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